Best Medical Inventions of All Time

Inventions in the Medical Field
1. Artificial Heart (1982): An artificial heart can be used to bridge the time between the actual heart transplant or an actual replacement of the heart.

2. MRI Machine (1977): This type of equipment is called a Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine. It uses a large magnet to shoot images including bones, brain, different soft tissues and muscles which make it especially useful vs. using a CT machine or traditional x-rays in diagnostic treatment.

3. Dialysis Machine (1943): This machine has to be used for patients with renal failure. Kidney dialysis provides an aid in the process of removing wasteand excess water from the blood from the kidneys. A machine has to aid in this process because the body can't do it on it's own.

4. Laser Surgeries (1960): There are several different types of laser surgeries. There are laser surgeries for varicose veins, laser surgeries can be performed on the eyes, laser surgery to remove the appendix. Laser surgery can be used to smooth out the skin, remove scar tissue and even tattoos.

5. Wheelchair: Wheelchairs are used to transport patients from one area to another. These are especially handy if the patient is required to walk a long way. They are most used after surgery to transport patients from the hospital to their cars.

6. X Rays: A diagnostic test used to diagnose broken bones, dislocated bones and this is used as a way to rule out if there's any fracture. When a patient comes to our office we have to order a X-ray before a MRI can be ordered (this is what is required by insurance).

7. Stethoscope: There are many different styles and brands of stethoscopes. A stethoscope can be used to check BP, listen to the heart and for listening to the lungs. The stethoscope can be placed on the chest to listen to the heart to make sure the rhythm is strong and regular. To listen to the lungs the stethoscope is placed on the back and the patient is then instructed to take in some deep breaths.

8. Thermometer: A device/instrument that measures the body's temperature. If the body has an infection, then the body's temperature will rise and sometimes sweat. This is the body's natural defense against infection.

9. Radiation Therapy: Radiation is used in the treatment of different types of cancer. Different amounts of radiation are given to the patient. Radiation therapy is usually localized to one area because it is made to aim in a certain area where the cancerous tumor is located. The radiation zaps the cancer cells.

10. Hypodermic Syringe: Syringes are used everyday in the medical field. The syringes are used for a number of things. Syringes are used to draw up and give medications. They are also used in drawing off fluid. The needles can come with the syringe or there are syringes and needles that are separate. This way you can choose what size needle that you need.

